• Management Approval/Buy In
  • Team recruited
  • Goals established
  • Timeline created and shared
  • Event activity chosen and organized
  • Budget Determined
  • Team members assigned tasks, additional volunteers recruited and assigned tasks
  • Location secured, permits approved, safety plan created
  • Incentives determined
  • Incentives ordered/purchased
  • Community/businesses/media contacted
  • Food/Beverages determined/ordered/purchased or donated
  • Promotion plan created/materials distributed
  • Posters/Flyers
  • Payroll Stuffers
  • Emails
  • Newsletters/Website/Social Media
  • Press Release sent to media
  • Agenda and talking points created and given to VIP’s who will be

speaking at the event

  • Photographer recruited



  • Volunteers organized and given updated event information
  • (preferably day before event)
  • Safety plan shared (cell phones, first aid kit, etc)
  • Release forms/sign up sheets/registration forms prepared and ready
  • Location secured, back up plan in place in need be (i.e., – weather)
  • Tables/chairs/AV set up
  • Decorations up/signage posted
  • Food and beverages set up
  • Photographer given assignment
  • Clean up crew organized
  • Media kits prepared (Who, What, Where, Why) and Media contacted (early AM)
  • Incentives distributed
  • Evaluations available



  • Participant evaluations summarized
  • Team debriefed on successes, lessons learned, recommendations for planning ideas      for next year shared with stakeholders and report outcomes to management
  • Thank You notes sent
  • Evaluation submitted to National Association for Health & Fitness